Title Production of lipocortin-1_1-185 using a recombinant of escherichia coli
Author Lee, Kyung Il · Oh, Kyung Hee · Lee, Jung Hyun · Na, Do Sun¹ · Lee, Kye Joon *
Address Department of Microbiology, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University; ¹Medical School, Ul San University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 35(2),123-126, 1997,
Key Words Lipocortin-1_1-185, E. coli, pHT22, optimization, yield
Abstract The aim of the present study was to optimize culture condition for the expression of lipocortin 1_1-185 in a recombinant of Escherichia coli using batch system. Plasmid (pHT22) carrying lipocortin-1_1-185 gene was well maintained in the recombinant with the addition of amplicillin as a selection pressures. Optimum temperature was 28℃ for seed culture and 40℃ for main culture and the optimum pH was 7.0. The production of Lipocortin-1_1-185 was closely associated with cell growth and related to plasmid amplification.
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