Title Isolation and characterization of the Phenotypic Revertants of Streptomyces coelicolor abs Mutant
Author Jung, Ho Sun¹ · Park, Uhn Mee¹'² *
Address ¹Division of Life Science, University of Suwon; ²Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 35(4),271-276, 1997,
Key Words abs, overproduction, phenotypic revertant
Abstract We isolated phenotypic suppressors of an absB (antibiotics synthesis suppression) strain. In the absB colonies, all four antibiotics including two pigmented antibiotics were blocked so that no pigmentation could be found. We assumed that in the colonies with the wuppressive(or reversive) mutation, both pigmentation would be restored so that the strains with suppressive mutation could be cisually detected. Harvested absB spores were treated with chemical mutagen along with electric shock, and were spread on specially fromulated minimal medium plates. The pigmented colonies were isolated from the unpigmented majorities. In one candidate strain, the restoration and significant overproduction of actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin were recognized. In three other candidate strains, the overproduction of actinorhodin and restoraion of undecylprodigiosin were observed. The production of the two unpigmented antibiotics (CDA and methylenomycin) were visualized in the tested candidate strains. The strains with wuppressive mutations would be very useful in dlucidating the regulation network of antiviotics synthesis and overproduction of the antibiotics.
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