Title Isolation and characterization of pre-tRNA^Val splicing Mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Author Hwang, Ku Chan · Kim, Dae Myung *
Address Department of Genetic Engineering, Chongju University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 35(4),334-340, 1997,
Key Words Pre-tRNA splicing, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, temperature sensitive mutants
Abstract A collection of 132 temperature sensitive (ts) mutants was generated by the chemical mutagenesis of Schizosaccharomyces pombe wild type strain and screened for tRNA splicing defects on Northern blots by hybridization with an oligonucleotide that recognizes the exon of the S. pombe tRNA^Val as a probe. We identidied 6 mutants which accumulate precursor tRNA^Val. Among them, 2 mutants exhibited remarkable morphological differences compared to wild type cells. One tRNA splicing mutant showed elongated cell shape in permissive as well as non-permissive cultures. The other mutant exhibited shortened cell morphology only in nonpermissive culture. The total RNA pattern in the splicing mutants appeared to be normal. Genetic analysis of four tRNA^Val splicing mutants demonstrated that the mutation reside in different genes.
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