Title Molecular Cloning and Analysis of Sporulation-Specific Glucoamylase (SGA) Gene of Saccharomyces diastaticus
Author Kang, Dae Ook · Hwang, In Kyu¹ · Oh, Won Keun · Lee, Hyun Sun · Ahn, Cheol Soon · Kim, Bo Yeon · Mheen, Tae Ick · Ahn, Hong Seog *
Address Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology; ¹The Scripps Institute, La Jolla CA, USA
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 37(1),35-40, 1999,
Key Words S. diastaticus, SGA gene cloning, gene disruption, secretory protein
Abstract Sporulation-specific glucoamylase (SGA) gene was isolated from genomic library of Saccharomyces diastaticus 5114-9A by using glucoamylase non-producing mutant of S. diastaticus as a recipient. When the glucoamylase activities of culture supernatant, periplasmic, and intracellular fraction of cells transformed with hybrid plasmid containing SGA gene were measured, the highest activity was detected in culture supernatant. SGA produced by transformant and extracellular glucoamylase produced by S. diastaticus 5114-9A differed in enzyme characteristics such as optimum temperature, thermostability, and resistance to SDS and urea. But the characteristics of SGA produced by sporulating yeast cells and vegetatively growing transformants were identical.
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