Title Determination of Enteric Bacteria at Microbiologically Risky Points by Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction
Author Mahir Gulec *, Bilal Bakir, Recai Ogur, and Omer Faruk Tekbas
Address Department of Public Health, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 40(4),327-330, 2002,
Key Words swab, coliform organisms, multiplex polymerase chain reaction, surface contamination
Abstract The purpose of this research was to test multiplex polymerase chain reaction in investigating the microbiological quality of the risky surfaces in social living places of a military base where over 15 thousand people live together. In 22 samples of 99, there were no bacteria. Only four of the samples contained Shigella, and one of them contained Salmonella, but 77 of the samples contained thermotolerant coliform organisms. There was no statistically significant difference among the microbiological quality of different sites and different equipment surfaces (p>0.05).
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