Title Phylogenetic Analysis of the HIV-1 nef Gene from Korean Isolates
Author Dong-Hun Lee 1 , Yeup Yoon 2 , and Chan-Hee Lee 1 , *
Address 1 Division of Life Sciences and Biotechnology Research Institute, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Korea ; 2 Mogam Biotechnology Research Institute, Yongin 449-913, Korea (Received May 20, 2003 / Accepted May 26, 2003)
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 41(3),232-238, 2003,
Key Words HIV-1, phylogeny, nef
Abstract Previous phylogenetic studies on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolated from Korean patients suggest that the major subtype of Korean isolate is subtype B. In this subtype, some of the Korean isolates seem to be clustered exclusively of foreign isolates. Presence of this so-called “Korean clade” among Korean isolates is unique but needs verification since the number of Korean isolates used in previous studies was limited. This study aimed to identify the presence of the “Korean clade” by molecular phylogenetic analysis using all the Korean nef gene sequences registered in the NCBI GenBank (N=243) together with 32 reference strains and 77 foreign isolates. Extensive analysis of the nef gene nucleotide sequences by neighbor-joining method revealed the following. Most (83.1%) of the Korean isolates belonged to subtype B, and 81.2% of subtype B were clustered together and excluded foreign isolates (bootstrap value=91.9%). Within Korean subtype B cluster, no characteristic subcluster formation was evident since the bootstrap values for the subcluster were very low. Due to limited information, the phylogenetic analysis failed to identify the epidemiological linkage among specific groups such as homosexuals and hemophiliacs within the Korean subtype B cluster. Detailed analysis and epidemiological information are needed to clarify the origin and significance of the Korean subtype B cluster.
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