Title Isolation of Citrobacter sp. Mutants Defective in Decolorization of Brilliant Green by Transposon Mutagenesis
Author Moon-Sun Jang, Young-Mi Lee, Yong-Lark Choi, Young-Su Cho and Young-Choon Lee *
Address Faculty of Biotechnology, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 42(2),139-142, 2004,
Key Words Brilliant green, Citrobactor sp., Decolorization; Transposon mutagenesis
Abstract To identify genes involved in the decolorization of brilliant green, we isolated random mutants generated by transposon insertion in brilliant green-decolorizing bacterium, Citrobacter sp. The resulting mutant bank yielded 19 mutants with a complete defect in terms of the brilliant green color removing ability. Southern hybridization with a Tn5 fragment as a probe showed a single hybridized band in 7 mutants and these mutants appeared to have insertions at different sites of the chromosome. Tn5- inserted genes were isolated and the DNA sequence flanking Tn5 was determined. By comparing these with a sequence database, putative protein products encoded by bg genes were identified as follows: bg 3 as a LysR-type regulatory protein; bg 11 as a MalG protein in the maltose transport system; bg 14 as an oxidoreductase; and bg 17 as an ABC transporter. The sequences deduced from the three bg genes, bg 2, bg 7 and bg 16, showed no significant similarity to any protein with a known function, suggesting that these three bg genes may encode unidentified proteins responsible for the decolorization of brilliant green.
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