Title Removal of Contaminating TEM-la β-Lactamase Gene from Removal of Contaminating TEM-la β-Lactamase Gene from
Author Jae Seok Song1, Jung Hun Lee1,2, Jung-Hyun Lee2, Byeong Chul Jeong1, Won-Keun Lee1, and Sang Hee Lee1,*
Address 1Department of Biological Sciences, Myongji University, San 38-2 Namdong, Yongin, Gyeonggido, 449-728, Republic of Korea, 2Marine Biotechnology Center, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, Ansan P.O. Box 29, Seoul 425-600,Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 44(1),126-128, 2006,
Key Words Decontamination, DNase I, Taq DNA polymerase, TEM-type β-lactamase
Abstract This study confirms that Taq DNA polymerase could be contaminated with the blaTEM-1a gene. It also proposes two different methods that could be used to overcome DNA contamination: (i) DNase I treatment prior to PCR amplification; and (ii) the use of a highly purified Taq DNA polymerase which was devoid of detectable contamination.
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