Title Presence of an Inducible Semicarbazide-Sensitive Amine Oxidase in Mycobacterium sp. Strain JC1 DSM 3803 Grown on Benzylamine
Author Young-Tae Ro1,*, Hyun-Il Lee1, and Young-Min Kim2
Address 1Department of Biochemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, Konkuk University, Chungju 380-701, Republic of Korea, 2Department of Biology, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 44(2),243-247, 2006,
Key Words benzylamine oxidase, copper-containing, Mycobacterium sp. JC1, semicarbazide-sensitive
Abstract Mycobacterium sp. strain JC1 was capable of growth on benzylamine as a sole source of carbon and energy. The primary deamination of benzylamine was mediated by an inducible amine oxidase, which can also oxidize tyramine, histamine, and dopamine. Inhibitor study identified this enzyme as a copper-containing amine oxidase sensitive to semicarbazide.
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