Title The First Report of Two Species of Polyporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) from South Korea
Author Jin Sung Lee1, Eun Ju Woo1, Kyoung Hee Oh1, Jae-Jin Kim2, and Young Woon Lim1*
Address 1National Institute of Biological Resources, Environmental Research Complex, Incheon 404-708, Republic of Korea, 2Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 48(6),748-753, 2010,
Key Words phylogeny, Polyporus, taxonomy, wood-rotting fungi
Abstract Based on morphological examination, two species of Polyporus, P. dictyopus, and P. tuberaster, were identified, which constitutes the first record of these species in South Korea. To confirm their affinity within the genus Polyporus, the phylogenetic relationships of Polyporus and allied genera were established from nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA (nLSU rDNA) sequences, and a morphological diagnostic key is presented to clarify the Korean species of Polyporus.