Title NOTE] GFP-Expressing Influenza A Virus for Evaluation of the Efficacy of Antiviral Agents
Author Jin Il Kim1,2, Sehee Park1,2, Ilseob Lee1,2, Sangmoo Lee1,2, Saem Shin1,2, Yongkwan Won1,2, Min-Woong Hwang1,2, Joon-Yong Bae1,2, Jun Heo1,2, Hye-Eun Hyun1,2, Hyejin Jun1,2, Soon Sung Lim3, and Man-Seong Park1,2*
Address 1Department of Microbiology, Hallym University, Chuncheon 200-702, Republic of Korea, 2Center for Medical Science Research, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Chuncheon 200-702, Republic of Korea, 3Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences, Hallym University, Chuncheon 200-702, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 50(2),359-362, 2012,
Key Words influenza, green fluorescent protein, antiviral drug
Abstract To address its value as a screening tool in the development of antiviral drugs, a recombinant influenza virus expressing green fluorescent protein (rPR8-GFP virus) was investigated in vitro and in vivo. The inhibition of viral growth by a neuraminidase inhibitor in the cells or lower respiratory tracts of mice could be visualized by the level of fluorescence. In addition, the rPR8-GFP virus exhibited high pathogenicity in mice. Taken together, these results suggest that the rPR8-GFP virus can be a useful tool for the rapid identification of antiviral drugs active against influenza viruses.