Title NOTE] Aspergillus cibarius sp. nov., from Traditional Meju in Korea
Author Seung-Beom Hong1*, Mina Lee1, Dae-Ho Kim1, Martin Meijer2, Eline Majoor2, Patricia A. vanKuyk2, and Robert A. Samson2*
Address 1Korean Agricultural Culture Collection, Agricultural Microbiology Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon 441-707, Republic of Korea, 2CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, P.O.Box 85167, the Netherlands
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 50(4),712-714, 2012,
Key Words Aspergillus cibarius (Eurotium state), new species, meju, black bean, salami
Abstract Aspergillus cibarius sp. nov. isolated from meju, a brick of dried fermented soybeans in Korea, is described. The species was also found from black bean, bread and salami in the Netherlands. It is characterized by abundant yellow to reddish brown ascomata and small lenticular ascospores (4.5–5.5 μm) with a wide furrow, low equatorial crests and tuberculate or reticulate convex surface. The species was resolved as phylogenetically distinct from the other reported Aspergillus species with an Eurotium teleomorph based on multilocus sequence typing using partial fragments of the β-tubulin, calmodulin, ITS and RNA polymerase II genes.