Title NOTE] Quantification of Toxic Effects of the Herbicide Metolachlor on Marine Microalgae Ditylum brightwellii (Bacillariophyceae), Prorocentrum minimum (Dinophyceae), and Tetraselmis suecica (Chlorophyceae)
Author Vinitha Ebenezer and Jang-Seu Ki*
Address Department of Green Life Science, Sangmyung University, Seoul 110-743, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 51(1),136-139, 2013,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-013-2114-0
Key Words marine microalgae, ecotoxicity assessment, EC50, herbicide, metolachlor
Abstract Toxic effects of the herbicide metolachlor (MC) were evaluated for three marine microalgae, Tetraselmis suecica (chlorophyte), Ditylum brightwellii (diatom), and Prorocentrum minimum (dinoflagellate). MC showed a significant reduction in cell counts and chlorophyll a levels. Median effective concentration (EC50) was calculated based on chlorophyll a levels after a 72-h MC exposure. EC50 values for T. suecica, D. brightwellii, and P. minimum were 21.3, 0.423, and 0.07 mg/L, respectively. These values showed that the dinoflagellate was most sensitive when exposed to the herbicide, at a concentration comparable to freshwater algae, suggesting its potential as an appropriate model organism for ecotoxicity assessments in marine environments.