Title Development and Evaluation of Multiplex Real-time RT-PCR Assays for Seasonal, Pandemic A/H1pdm09 and Avian A/H5 Influenza Viruses Detection
Author Jang-Hoon Choi, Mi-Seon Kim, Joo-Yeon Lee, Nam-Joo Lee, Donghyok Kwon, Min Gu Kang, and Chun Kang*
Address Division of Influenza Virus, Center for Infectious Disease, Korea National Institute of Health, Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Osong 363-951, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 51(2),252-257, 2013,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-013-2452-y
Key Words influenza, real-time RT-PCR, surveillance, diagnosis
Abstract Since the pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 ((H1N1)pdm09) virus spread all over the world, the (H1N1)pdm09 virus has been circulating with seasonal influenza viruses. We developed rapid and sensitive one-step multiplex real-time RTPCR assays (rRT-PCR) for simultaneous detection of influenza viruses currently circulating in humans, and the avian A/H5 virus. The detection limit of each assay was 4.8 to 1 copies per reaction and no cross-reactivity with other major respiratory pathogens was found. Analytical positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) sensitivity and specificity were 100%, 94.1%, 93.7% and 100%, respectively. Clinical evaluation revealed that 1,976 (16.5%) of 11,963 throat swabs from patients with respiratory symptoms were confirmed as 1,651 (83.6%) A/H1pdm09, 308 (15.6%) A/H3 and 17 (0.8%) B virus during the 2010-2011 influenza season. Collectively, the multiplex rRT-PCR assays described here provide a practical tool for reliable implementation of influenza surveillance and diagnosis.