Title Quantification of Rice Sheath Blight Progression Caused by Rhizoctonia solani
Author Mukhamad Su’udi1, Jong-Mi Park1, Woo-Ri Kang1, Duk-Ju Hwang1, Soonok Kim2, and Il-Pyung Ahn1*
Address 1National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-707, Republic of Korea, 2Wildlife Genetic Resources Center, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 404-708, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 51(3),380-388, 2013,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-013-3274-7
Key Words rice sheath blight, Taqman real-time PCR
Abstract Rhizoctonia solani has a wide host range, including almost all cultivated crops and its subgroup anastomosis group (AG)-1 IA causes sheath blight in rice. An accurate measurement of pathogen’s biomass is a convincing tool for enumeration of this disease. Mycological characteristics and molecular diagnosis simultaneously supported that all six strains in this study were R. solani AG-1 IA. Heterokaryons between strains Rs40104, Rs40105, and Rs45811 were stable and viable, whereas Rs40103 and Rs40106 did not form viable fused cells, except for the combination of Rs40106 and Rs40104. A primer pair was highly specific to RsAROM gene of R. solani strains and the amplified fragment exists as double copies within fungal genome. The relationship between crossing point (CP) values and the amount of fungal DNA was reliable (R2>0.99). Based on these results, we determined R. solani’s proliferation within infected stems through real time PCR using a primer pair and a Taqman probe specific to the RsAROM gene. The amount of fungal DNA within the 250 ng of tissue DNA from rice cv. Dongjin infected with Rs40104, Rs40105, and Rs45811 were 7.436, 5.830, and 5.085 ng, respectively. In contrast, the fungal DNAs within the stems inoculated with Rs40103 and Rs40106 were 0.091 and 0.842 ng. The sheath blight symptom progression approximately coincided with the amount of fungal DNA within the symptoms. In summary, our quantitative evaluation method provided reliable and objective results reflecting the amount of fungal biomass within the infected tissues and would be useful for evaluation of resistance germplasm or fungicides and estimation of inoculum potential.