Title |
Species identity of Phellinus linteus (sanghuang) extensively used as a medicinal mushroom in Korea |
Author |
Jae-Gu Han1, Min-Woo Hyun1, Chang Sun Kim2, Jong Won Jo2, Jae-Han Cho1, Kang-Hyo Lee1, Won-Sik Kong1, Sang-Kuk Han2, Junsang Oh3, and Gi-Ho Sung4 |
Address |
1Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Eumseong 369-873, Republic of Korea, 2Forest Biodiversity Division, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 487-820, Republic of Korea, 3College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 156-756, Republic of Korea, 4Institute for Bio-medical Convergence, International St. Mary's Hospital and College of Medicine, Catholic Kwandong University, Incheon 404-834, Republic of Korea |
Bibliography |
Journal of Microbiology, 54(4),290-295, 2016,
Key Words |
Inonotus, Korea, phylogeny, sanghuang mushroom, Sanghuangporus |
Abstract |
Sanghuang is a medicinal mushroom that has gained particular
attention in Korea. It has been extensively studied for
the past few decades as a natural immune booster and cancer
suppressor. Although the scientific name, Phellinus linteus,
has been commonly used to refer to the sanghuang mushroom,
the species identity of sanghuang has been called into question
due to the ambiguity of its circumscription and the inadequacy
of morphological distinctions within allied species. Because
the species concept of sanghuang has been elucidated by recent
molecular phylogenetic studies, it has become necessary
to clarify the taxonomic positions of sanghuang strains extensively
utilized in Korea. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis
of 74 strains belonging to the P. linteus-baumii complex based
on ITS nrDNA sequences. Parental stains of sanghuang varieties
formally registered in the Korea Seed & Variety Service,
including ASI 26046 (Corea sanghuang), 26114 (Boolro), and
26115 (HK 1-ho) were grouped with Sanghuangporus sanghuang
instead of P. linteus in the inferred phylogeny. |