Title Mutational analysis of the RNA helicase Dhh1 in Ste12 expression and yeast mating
Author Daehee Jung, Jihye Ahn, Boram Rhee, and Jinmi Kim*
Address Department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 55(5),373-378, 2017,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-017-7020-4
Key Words RNA helicase, Dhh1, Ste12 expression, P-bodies, ATPase domain, Q/P-rich region
Abstract Dhh1 and Dhh1 homologues (RCK/p54/DDX6) are mem-bers of the DEAD-box protein family of RNA helicases. These proteins display conserved sequence motifs for ATPase and RNA binding activities. Dhh1 is a component of the P-bodies (processing bodies) of mRNA granules and functions as an mRNA decapping activator in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Dhh1 also contributes to gene-specific regulation during yeast mating. The dhh1 deletion mutation results in a significant decrease in the expression of Ste12, a mating-specific trans-cription factor, showing severe mating defects. Here, we in-troduced amino-acid substitution mutations in the ATPase and RNA binding domains of Dhh1 and also constructed a deletion of 79 amino acids at the Q/P-rich C-terminal region. The mutations in ATPase A and B motif (K96R, D195A) and C-terminus deletion showed reduced levels of mating effi-ciency as well as Ste12 protein expression. The Q/P-rich C- terminal region of Dhh1 was dispensable for growth at non- permissive temperature 37°C but appeared to play an im-portant role in regulating the Ste12 protein expression and mating processes. The P-body accumulation induced by treatment with α-mating factor required ATPase, RNA-bind-ing and the Q/P-rich C-terminal domains of Dhh1.