Title [PROTOCOL] Flow cytometric monitoring of the bacterial phenotypic diversity in aquatic ecosystems
Author Jin-Kyung Hong1, Soo Bin Kim1, Seok Hyun Ahn1, Yongjoo Choi2, and Tae Kwon Lee1*
Address 1Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Yonsei University, Wonju 26493, Republic of Korea, 2Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama 236-0001, Japan
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 59(10),879-885, 2021,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-021-1443-7
Key Words flow cytometry, phenotypic diversity, online monitoring, binning, aquatic ecosystem
Abstract Flow cytometry is a promising tool used to identify the phenotypic features of bacterial communities in aquatic ecosystems by measuring the physical and chemical properties of cells based on their light scattering behavior and fluorescence. Compared to molecular or culture-based approaches, flow cytometry is suitable for the online monitoring of microbial water quality because of its relatively simple sample preparation process, rapid analysis time, and high-resolution phenotypic data. Advanced statistical techniques (e.g., denoising and binning) can be utilized to successfully calculate phenotypic diversity by processing the scatter data obtained from flow cytometry. These phenotypic diversities were well correlated with taxonomic-based diversity computed using nextgeneration 16S RNA gene sequencing. The protocol provided in this paper should be a useful guide for a fast and reliable flow cytometric monitoring of bacterial phenotypic diversity in aquatic ecosystems.