Title |
Variation in trichothecene and zearalenone production by fusarium graminearum isolates form corn and barley in Korea |
Author |
Kim, Jin Cheol · Park, Ae Ran · Lee, Yin Won * · Youn, Hee Ju1 · Cha, Seung Hee1 |
Address |
Department of Agricultural Biology and Research Center for New biomaterials in Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University; 1Agency for Defense Development |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 31(4),312-317, 1993 |
Key Words |
Fusarium graminearum, trichothecene, zearalenone, toxigenic potential |
Abstract |
A total of 110 Fusarium graminearum isolates were obtained from corn and barley samples which were collected from Kangwon province and the southern part of Korea, respectively. The isolates were tested for trichothecene and zearalenone (ZEA) production in rice culture. The incidences of trichothecene production by 51 isolates of F. graminearum from corn were 64.7% for deoxynivalenol (DON), 7.8% for 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-ADON), 33.3% for 15-acetylde-oxynivalenol (15-ADON), 21.6% for invalenol (NIV), and 13.7% for 4-acetylnivalenol (4-ANIV). DON producers frequently co-produced 15-ADON rather than 3-ADON. On the other hand, the incidences of trichothecene production by 59 isolates of F. graminearum from barley were 71.2% for NIV, 61.0% for 4-ANIV, and only one isolate produced DON and 3-ADON. The incidences and mean levels of ZEA producers were 32.0% and 71㎍/g for the isolates from corn, and 29.0% and 74 ㎍/g for the isolates from barley. There was a great regional difference in trichothecene production of F. graminearum isolates between Kangwon province and the southern part of Korea. |
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