Title Numerical Classification of Acidophilic Actinomycetes Isolated from Acid Soil in Korea
Author Seong, Chi Nam * · Michael Goodfellow¹ · Alan C. Ward¹ · Yung Chil Hah²
Address Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Sunchon National University; The Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH, U.K.; ²Department of Microbiology and Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 31(5),355-363, 1993
Key Words numerical classification, acidophilic actinomycetes, neutrotolerant, cluster, unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) algorithm
Abstract Large populations of acidophilic actinomycetes were isolated from Pinus forest soils and coal waste in Korea using acidified starch casein agar to determine the distribution pattern of those microorganisms in acid soil and to assess the variation existing within them. One hundred and sixty-six strains including 64 representatives were tested through 229 unit characters and the data were examined ith numerical phenetic methods. Overall similarities of the test strains were caclulated using S_SM and S_1 coefficients, and the clustering was achieved with the use of unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages(UPGMA) algorithm. Test strains were recovered as 7 major, 28 minor and 38 single member clusters by the S_SM coefficient at the 86.5% similarity(S) level. A good agreement was found between the classifications based on the S_SM and S_1 coefficients. Generally, the strains from a single soil sample fell into identical cluster. At the 63% S-level. A good agreement was found between the classifications based on the S_SM and S_1 coefficients. Generally, the strains froma single siol sample fell into identical cluster At the 63% S-level with S_SM, UPGMA analysis, all of the strains were divided into two distinctive groups, one is acidophilic and the other neutrotoferant. Two groups were distinguished from each other by the utilization profiles of carbon and nitrogen sources, which of the acidophilic group were wider than those of the alternative.
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