Title Rhizobia에서 malonyl-CoA synthetase와 malonamidase의 확인 Identification of malonate-specific enzymes, malonyl-CoA synthetase and malonamidase, in rhizobia
Author 김유삼 · 채호준 · 이은 * · 김용성 *
Address 연세대학교 이과대학 생화학과; * 서울대학교 자연대학 화학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 29(1),40-48, 1991
Key Words Malonyl-CoA synthetase, molonamidase, Rhizobia
Abstract Two malonate-specific enzymes, malonyl-CoA synthetase and malonamidase, were found in free-living cultures of Rhizobium japonicum, Rhizobium meliloti, and Rhizobium trifolii, that infect plant roots where contain a high concentration of malonate. Malonyl-CoA synthetase catalyzes the formation of malonyl-CoA, AMP, and PPi directly from malonate, coenzyme A, and ATP in the presence of Mg^2+. Malonamidase is a novel enzyme that catalyzes hydrolysis and malonyl transfer of malonamate, and forms malonohydroxamate from malonate and hydroxylamine. Both enzymes are highly specific for malonate. These results show that Rhizobia have enzymes able to metabolize malonate and suggest that malonate may be used in symbiotic carbon and nitrogen metabolism.
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