Title |
대장균에서 분리된 din (damage-inducible)과 tin (temperature-inducible) 유전자들의 특성 |
Author |
백경희 |
Address |
한국과학기술연구원 유전공학연구소 식물분자생물학연구실 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 29(6),392-396, 1991 |
Key Words |
Chromosomal lac fusion, din(damage-inducible) genes, tin(temperature-inducible) fenes, Mu d1(Ap lac) bacteriophage |
Abstract |
Mu d1(Ap lac) bacteriophage can be used to search for genes which are members of a common regulatory network without having to know the functions of the genes in advance. Aim was for obtaining the loci in the SOS network as well as temperature inducible loci. For this purpose, recA441 allele was used. This allele encodes a thermosensitive recA gene product; thus, the recA441 allele can be activated upon temperature upshift without by external DNA damage. Approximately 10,000 colonies were screened, and then searched for the colonies which expressed β-galactosidase higher level at 42℃ than at 30℃. The strains identified fell into two dlasses; (i) ones in which the increased expression was recA^+ lexA^+ -dependent, that is, din(damage-inducible) genes which were due to the activation of recA441 allele and (ii) ones in which the increased expression was recA^+ lexA^+ -independent and only temperature-inducible, tin genes. Rough mapping position was obtained for these genes. |
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