Title |
카드뮴이온에 의한 hansenula anomala B-7의 형태 변이 |
Author |
송형익 · 유대식 * |
Address |
대구공업전문대학 식품공업과; * 계명대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 29(6),397-401, 1991 |
Key Words |
Hansenula anomala B-7, Mycelial cell, Clumped cell, Morphological change by cadmium ion |
Abstract |
Yeast-form cells of cadmium ion-tolerant Hansenula anomala B-7 were changed to mycelial cells in medium containing more than 400 ㎍/㎖ of cadmium. Moreover, the mycelial cells were exchanged into clumped cells in a medium containing more than 1,000㎍/㎖ of cadmium. Optimal conditions of mycelial cell formation were achieved in the presence of 1,000 ㎍/㎖ of cadmium with shaking cultivation for 7 days. Glucan and mannan contents of the yeast cell wall frown with 1,000 ㎍/㎖ of cadmium decreased by 10% compared with those grown without cadmium. However, protein and lipid contents increased about 20% respectively. By cadmium, no significant findings in specific amino acid contents were discovered. |
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