Title Streptococcus faecalis의 pAM β_1을 lactobacillus casei로의 전이에 영향을 미치는 요인
Author 허정원 · 강성훈
Address 전남대학교 농과대학
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 28(3),188-191, 1990
Key Words Plasmid pAMβ_1, conjugation, membrane filter
Abstract The streptococcal plasmid pAMβ_1 (erythromycin resistance)was transferred via conjugation from Streptococcus faecalis DS 5 to Lactobacillus casei YIT 9018 by a filter mating method. The transfer frequency depended greatly on the type, pore size and side(front or back) of membrane filter. Water passing through a membrane under reduced pressure induced very tight contact between the cells, increased the transconjugation frequency about 1.3 to 37-fold when Millipore membrane filter (0.45.mu.m, front side up) was used.
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