Title 남극 King Geroge Island 토양의 종속영양 세균 분포상과 효소 활성도
Author 김상진 * · 이승복
Address 한국과학기술연구원 유전공학센터
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 28(3),199-203, 1990
Key Words Heterotrophic bacterial number, Extracellular enzyme activities, King George Island, Antartic soil.
Abstract To study distribution of bacterial flora and their biochemical characteristics in the Antarctic soil ecosystem, these experiments were performed during the austral summer(Feb., 1989) on the King George Island, Antarctica. The numbers of heterotrophic bacterial colonies and extracellular enzyme actibities were estimated from the Antarctic terrestrial soils which were sampled from 17 different locations near Sejong station (Korea) and Teniente Jubany station (Argentina) on the King George Island. The numbers of heterotrophic bacterial colonies were extremely variable with sampling sites and incubation temperatures. Arithmetric average numbers were 2.5×10^4, 2.7×10^7, 6.9×10^5 CFU/cm^3 soil at the incubation temperature of 37℃, 25℃ and 4℃, respectively. The activities of extracellular α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase were shown as similar mean percentage in the colonies obtained at different temperatures. Mean value of protease activities, however, was remarkably higher (92%) in the colonies grown at 4℃.
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