Title 소양호에서의 종속영양세균의 종구성 및 alkaline phosphatase 분비 세균에 관한 연구
Author 이동훈 · 안태석 * · 조규송
Address 강원대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과; * 강원대학교 자연과학대학 환경학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 28(3),204-209, 1990
Key Words Bacterial distribution, Diversity, Alkaline phosphatase, Community, Lake Soyang
Abstract The total and heterotrophic bacterial distributions, compositions and alkaline phosphatese actibities were analyzed in Lake Soyang from Sep. 1987 to Aug. 1988. The heterotrophic bacteria was small portion, 0.07-2.63% of total bacterial number which ranged from 3.2×10^5 to 3.2×10^6 cells/ml. The composition of bacterial community was less diverse in summer and at the fish farm site and Peridinium blooming site. Pseudomonas and Flavo bacterium were the dominant genera in all sites. The highest proportion and activity of alkaline phsophatase was appeared in Flavobacterium, while Pseudomonas was the most predominant group.
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