Title |
유전자 조작기법으로 변형시킨 Km^r 유전자의 담수 환경에서의 전이 및 행방 |
Author |
김치경 · 이성기 |
Address |
충북대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 28(3),219-228, 1990 |
Key Words |
Genetically engineered bacteria, Km^r gene, Conjugal transger, Fate, Freshwater |
Abstract |
A kanamycin resistance(Km^r) gene was studied for its transfer in natural freshwater environments by using the natural bacterial isolate(M1) of DK1 and the DKC601 strain, Km^r plasmid of which was genetically engineered from the NI strain. The transfer frequency of the Km^r gene and rearrangement of the Km^r plasmid were compared between the gnetically engineered microorganism(GEM) and the NI parental strain by conjugation with the same recipient strain. The transfer frequency of the Km^r gene was about 9.1×10^-12 ~ 1.8×10^-11 in both the GEM and NI strains at 5 to 10℃, but the frequency of the NI was about 10 times higher than that of the GEM at 20 to 30℃. The Km^r plasmid in the transconjugants obtained by conjugation of the NI with the MY1 strain as a ricipient showed alot of rearrangement, but the Km^r plasmid transferred from the GEM was stable without alteration of its size. When the MT2 strain was used as a recipient, however, such a rearrangement of the Km^r plamid was observed in the transconjugants obtained from the GEM as well as the NI strain. In those transconjugants obtained from different mating pairs and water environments, the plasmid were appeared to decrease in their number as the period of conjugation time was prolonged, but only the Km^r plasmid transferred from the GEM kept having its size of 52kb. Therefore, the Km^r gene was transferred at the same rate from the GEM and NI strains in natural freshwater environment, but the gene of the GEM strain was more stable than the NIduring conjugation and the Km^r plasmid was rearranged by changing the recipient strain for conjugation in any water environments. |
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