Title |
Rhizobium Muliticopy plasmid의 복제 및 이주 기능을 이용한 Rhizobium-E. coli Shuttle Vector 구축 |
Author |
조무제1 · 신평균2 · 최영주2 · 강규영2 · 윤한대2 |
Address |
경상대학교 자연과학대학 생화학화1; 농과대학 농화학과2 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 27(2),92-97, 1989 |
Key Words |
Rhizobium, Shuttle vector, Acacia Rhizobia sp86, pBR322, Broad host range vector |
Abstract |
The vector, pGUR19, for Rhizobium gene manipulation, was constructed by combining the replication and mobilization function of indigenous multicopy plasmid from Acacia(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Rhizobia sp86 with E. coli cloning vehicle, pBR322. The vector could be efficiently mobilized by RP4 tra function incorporated into chromosome of E. coli named SM10 and efficiently transferred to various gram negative hosts including Rhizobium and Afrobacterium by transformation. Mobilization frequency of the constructed vector was ranged from 1.2×10^-2(E.coli HB 101) to 4.6×10^-4(A. tumefaciens 15955) and transformation frequency was ranged from 5.4×10^-7(E. coli HB101) to 1.2×10^-10(A. tumefaciens 15955). The vector, pGUR19, was stably replicated and maintained in a variety of Rhizobium and Agrobacterium. |
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