Title RP4::Mu cts 및 RP4::mini-Mu pseudomonas sp.로의 전달
Author 고윤원 · 허연주 · 이영록
Address 고려대학교 이과대학 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 26(3),173-180, 1988
Key Words RP4::Mu cts, RP4::mini-Mu, Pseudomonas sp.
Abstract Chromosomal gene transferable hybrid plasmids, RP4::Mu cts and RP4::mini-Mu, were transferred by conjugation from E. coli to Pseudomonas strains. In order to use for recipient cells of RP4::Mu cts and RP4:: mini-Mu, plasmid-free Pseudomonas strains were characterized for their antobiotic resistance, aromatic hydrocarbon utility and degradation patterns of chlorinated herbicide. Transfer frequencies of RP4::mini-Mu exhibited about 10^- to 10^-4, while those of RP4::Mu cts exhibited very low value of 10^-7 in recipients tested except Pseudomonas aeruginosa KU557. Existance of hybrid plasmids in Pseudomonas transconjugants were identified by their antibiotic resistance and agarose gel electrophoresis. In case of RP4::Mu cts transconjugants it was also confirmed by demonstrating that they were capable of releasing phage and forming plaques at 43℃. Plaque forming unit of the transconjugants was about 10^5. It was shown by the stability test that RP4::Mu cts and RP4::mini-Mu in Pseudomonas were relatively stable.
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