Title |
홀몬으로 처리된 쥐의 C_6 glioma 세포배양으로부터 분리된 낙산탈수소 효소 A-mRNA의 3'-말단의 2차 구조 |
Author |
배석철 · 이승기 |
Address |
서울대학교 약학대학 생화학교실 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 25(2),94-102, 1987 |
Key Words |
Rat C_6 glioma cell, folding structure of LDH-A-mRNA, hormonal regulation |
Abstract |
Rat liver LDH A-cDNA has been isolated from a λgt11-rat liver cDNA library and partially characterized. The size of the isolated rat liver LDH A-cDNA if shown to be 1.6Kb and restriction enzyme sites for the rat liver LDH A-cDNA are also mapped. 682-nucleotide sequence coding for 3'-end of rat liver LDH A-cDNA has been analyzed and compared to the nucleotide sequence of the same region of rat C_6-glioma cell LDH A-cDNA which has been cloned from the hormonally stimulated cell cultures. The result shows that 177 nucleotide sequences coding for the C-terminal 59-amino acids are identical but 505 nucleotide sequences of 3'-nontranslated region of the two LSH A-cDNA exhibit characteristic differences in their nucleotide sequences. Computer analysis for the folding structures for 3'-end 400 nucleotide sequences of the two LDH A-cDNA shows a possibility implying that the two LDH A-mRNAs isolated from different tissues of rats may have different half life and therefore their translational efficiency may be different. It has been previously demonstrated that isoproterenol stimulated rat C_6-glioma cell cultures produce LDH A-mRNA showing 2 to 3-fold longer half life in comparison to that of noninduced LHD A-mRNA. The result therefore support for the idea that hormonally stimulated rat C_6-glioma cells may produce LDH A-mRNA containing different nucleotide sequences at the 3'-end nontranslated region by which the hormonally induced LDH A-mRNA could have more stable secondary mRAN structure in comparison to that of noninduced LDH A-mRNA. |
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