Title 카드뮴의 Hansenula anomala 세포내 축적에 미치는 Triton X-100의 효과
Author 유대식 · 박정문 · 송형익 *
Address 계명대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과; * 대국공업전문대학 식품공업과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 25(2),110-116, 1987
Key Words CD^2+ Accumulation in H. anomala, Triton X-100 effect
Abstract As a part of investigation on effective accumulation of cadmium in yeast cells, effect of surfactant was studied on intracellular accumulation of cadmium in extremely cadmium-tolerant yeast, Hansenula anomala B-7. Cadmium accumulation was enhanced up to approximately 40% by the addition of non-ionic surfactant, Triton X-100 and its optimal concentration was found to be 0.1-0.2%. Furthermore, optimum conditions for intracellular accumulation of cadmium were at 40℃ and initial pH 6.0 for 48 hours under shaking culture.
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