Title Trichoderma koningii에서 分離한 低分子 1,4-β-D-Glucan Glucanohydrolase의 反應産物에 對한 核磁氣共鳴 스펙트럼 分析
Author 맹필재 · 강사욱 · 정춘수 · 홍순우 · 하영칠 · 이영하 * · 김재현 **
Address 서울대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과; * 충남대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과; ** 단국대학교 이공대학 미생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 25(4),304-308, 1987
Key Words Trichoderma koningii, 1,4-β-D-Glucan Glucanohydrolase, ¹H-NMR spectroscopy, transglycosylation
Abstract The mode of transglycosylation reaction observed during the action of low-molecular-weight 1,4-β-D-glucan glucanohydrolase (EC purified from Trichoderma koningii ATCC 26113 was investigated using ¹H-NMR spectroscopy. The H-1 proton resonances were analysed. After reaction of the enzyme with cellotriose, the reaction products were separated by high performance liquid chromatography. H-1 resonances of the products were consisted with those of cellobiose, cellotriose and cellotitraose, respectively. Therefore it was proved that all the reaction products formed by the action of the enzyme on cellooligosaccharides, including transglycosylation products, possess only β-1,4-glycosidic linkage(s).
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