Title |
Salicylate를 생분해하는 pseudomonas putida의 특성 |
Author |
홍순우 · 하영칠 · 이계준 · 배경숙 |
Address |
서울대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 24(1),51-56, 1986 |
Key Words |
Characterization of a salicylate-degrading strain of pseudomonas putida |
Abstract |
Eight strains of the bacteria capable of growing on salicylate as the sole carbon source were isolated form soil and river water. Three of these isolates were identified as Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (AcBl), Pseuomonas putida biotype B (PpB2), and P. putida biotype A (PpB3). Effects of temperature, pH and C source concentration on biodegradation of salicylate by PpB3 were examined. The optimum conditions were as follows; 30℃ for temperature, 7.0 for pH, and 10mM for C source concentration. Ultraviolet scanning spectrum of the salicylate was measured. The spectrum has two peaks at 225nm and 292nm. The spectra of the culture filtrates indicate that ring degradation of salicylate is accomplished. |
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