Title |
카드뮴 내성 hansenula anomala 균주의 특성 |
Author |
유대식 · 송형익 * · 정기택 ** |
Address |
계명대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과; * 대구공업전문대학 식품공업과; ** 경북대학교 농과대학 식품가공학과 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 24(1),57-61, 1986 |
Key Words |
Characterzation of a cadmium-ion tolerant strain of hansenula anomala |
Abstract |
In order to remove of cadmium from waste water an identification of a cadmium-ion tolerant yeast B-7 isolated from the sludge of zinc mining district was studied. By the taxonomecal characteristics of strain B-7 it was identified as Hansenula anomala B-7 or similar strain. The cadmium-ion tolerance of the strain B-7 was determined as 2,700㎍/㎖ of cadmium-ion by density gradient agar plate method. The strain B-7 grew well in an aqueous medium containing 1,000㎍/㎖of cadmium-ion. |
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