Title |
Aromatic hydrocarbon분해세균의 검출과 그 plasmid유전자의 특성 |
Author |
김치경 · 김종우 · 김영창 · 민태익 * |
Address |
충북대 자연대 미생물학과; * 한국과학기술원 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 24(1),67-72, 1986 |
Key Words |
Isolation of aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and genetic characterization of their plasmid genes |
Abstract |
Aromatic hydrocarbon degrading bacteria were isolated from industrial waste by using an agar plate method. The isolate DY-1 was identified as Acinetobacter sp. and found to utilize phenanthrene as tis sole carbon source. The bacteria were proved to produce salicylic acid as an intermediate from phenanthrene through naphthalene pathway, when the products in the culture were examined by thin-layer chromatography. THe Phn^+ genes were found to be involved in two plasmids of about 4 and 40kb which were lost and not detected in the DNA samples prepared from the mitomycin C-cured cells by a gel electrophoretic analysis. |
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