Title RP4:Mu cts의 E.coli로 부터 rhizovium leguminosarum으로의 전달
Author 이인렬 · 허연주 · 이영록
Address 고려대학교 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 23(2),107-114, 1985
Key Words Transfer of RP4:Mu cts from E. coli to rhizovium leguminosarum
Abstract In order to use for recipient strains of RP4:Mu cts, 5 strainsof Rhizobium were selected among 32 strains, which were isolated and identified in this study. Hybrid plasmin RP4::Mu cts, which, is temperature sensitive and confers resistance to ampicillin, kanamycin and tetracycline was transfered by conjugation from E. coli to other atrains of C. coli and the symbiotic nitrogen fixer, Rhizobium leguminosarum. Transfer frequencies of RP4::Mu cts plasmid from E. coli to Rhizobium were about 10^-8 - 10^-7 in LB agar and YMA media. The transconjugants were confirmed by demonstrating that the drug-resistant and temperature-sensitive clones isolated were drug-resistant and temperature-sensitive clones isolated were capable of releasing phage and forming plaques. The plaque-forming units of transconjugants were about 10^2 to 10^3. Stability test of RP4::Mucts in Rhizobium represented that most of the transconjugants had drug resistance and produce phage Mu cts.
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