Title 질화세균의 암모니아 산화능과 이에 미치는 환경요인의 영향
Author 송홍규 · 하영칠 · 홍순우
Address 서울대 자연대 미생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 21(2),79-85, 1983
Key Words Ammonia oxidation activity of nitrifying bacteria and effects of some environmental factors
Abstract Ammonia oxidation activity of polluted water samples in Jinhae Bay and isolated strain from the seawater was investigated, and effects of environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, substrate concentration to the ammonia oxidation were also investigated. The ammonia oxidation activities of sediments, 0.01-0.04mg eq. NO₂-N/l/h and that of sandy sediment at station 3 was 0.002mg eq. NO₂-N/l/h. In the case of sea water, the activity of polluted area, station 1, was 2 times higher than that of offshore, station 4. The isolated strain reached log phase after 30days culture and its oxidation activity was 2-3ug eq. NO₂-N/day. The maximum oxidation of ammonia by IA 13 strain occured at 30mg/l substrate concentration. And temperature for maximum oxidation of ammonia was 35℃. The oxidation increased with the salinity rising up to 100% seawater concentraion.
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