Title Chlorella의 인산화합물 및 유기물함량에 미치는 중금속의 영향
Author 이종삼 · 이영복
Address 성신여자대학교 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 20(1),27-40, 1982
Key Words Effects of heavy metals on contents of various phosphate compounds and organic compounds in chlorella cells
Abstract The effects of heavy metals on the growth rate and phosphate metabolism of Chlorella elliposidea cells were investigated. Chlorella cells were cultured in the media treated with Hg(0.3, 0.7, 0.9 ppm), Cd(1, 5, 15ppm), and Zn(1, 5, 50ppm) for 6days. Aliquots cells were taken out at the inoculation and at intervals during the culture, and measured packed cell volume and optical density. The inhibitions of heavy metals on the growth rate and chlorophyll contents were traced. Also after 6 days culture, the amounts of inorganic phosphate and organic compounds of various fractions in Chlorella cells were observed. The turbid effects of heavy metals on the growth rate and chlorphyll contents of Chlorella cells were in order of Hg>Cd>Zn. Because heavy metals depressed the biosynthesis of inorganic polyphosphates and nucleic acids and turn over of inorganic phosphates, the amounts of various phosphate compounds were decreased. The inhibitory effect of photosynthesis by heavy metals resulted in lower contents of carbohydrate. Due to the turbidity of biosynthesis of amino acids by heavy metals, contents of protein were reduced in comparison with those of control. It is suggested conclusively that the minimum concentrations affected by heavy metals on the growth rate and phosphate metabolism of Chlorella cells were 0.7 ppm Hg, 15ppm Cd, 50ppm Zn.
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