Title 서울시역 한강수계에서의 합성세제 분해세균의 분리 및 동정
Author 배경숙 · 하영칠 · 홍순우
Address 서울대 자연대 미생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 20(2),98-104, 1982
Key Words Isolation and identification of detergents degrading bacteria in the Han River downstream
Abstract Detergent-degrading bacteria isolated from the Han River downstream running through the center of Seoul area were identified. Samples were monthly taken from the surface waters at four designated sites from October, 1980 to August, 1981. Isolated strains were characteristically Gram-negative bacteria in all, and they were classified within 18 genera, 43 species. The dominant strains of detergent -degrading bacteria were within geneus Pseudomonas. On the regional distribution of detergent-degrading bacteria, Euterobacteriaceae and genus Aeromonas were suddenly increased at the Third Bridge of site 2 and the First Bridge of site 3, and others were almost the same regardless of sites.
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