Title 서울시역 한강수계의 합성세제 분해세균의 분포
Author 배경숙 · 이혜주 * · 하영칠 · 홍순우
Address 서울대 자연대 미생물학과; * 동아대 이과대 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 20(3),113-118, 1982
Key Words The distribution and annual variation of detergent-degrading bacteria in the Han river downstream
Abstract The distribution and annual variation of detergent-degrading bacteria which were isolated from the Han River downstream running through the center of Seoul area were studied. The concentration of dissolved detergent was the lowest, 2.16 ppm at site 1 and it was gradually increased to downstream, the highest, 2.67 ppm at site 4. Population density of detergent degrading bacteria was about 10² - 10³ cells/ml. The density of LAS degrading bacteria was 1.1 - 1.8 times larger than that of SDBS-degrading bacteria. In annual variation the lowest density was appeared on January and the highest on July. In seasonal distribution of LAS-degrading bacteria, annual dominant group was genus Pseudomonas. There were few except genus Pseudomonas in winter and the subdomiannt group in spring and summer was genus Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae respectively. In autumn genus Pseudomonas, Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae were equally distributed. In SDBS-degrading bacteria, the annual dominant group was also genus Pseudomonas.
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