Title 목재부후균의 배양적 특성과 부후성에 관한 연구
Author 윤정구 * · 홍순우 ** · 백수봉 ***
Address * 충북대 임학과; ** 서울대미생울학과; ** 건국대농학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 19(3),128-136, 1981
Key Words On the cultural characteristics and wood-decayedness of wood-decaying fungi in Korea
Abstract In order to investigate early identification of species of the wood-decaying fungi in the mycelial stage, the authors isolated of 41 species, 28 genus, 9 family at 8 locations in Korea and cultivated these isolates on the various kinds of solid media. After investigating such cultural characteristics as oxidase reactions with tannic and gallic acid, various morphological features of colony and growth grade, appeared on the various media, the authors obtained the following results : 1. The oxidase reactions with tannic and gallic acid in the PDTA, DTA, PDGA and DGA media are available for identificantion of the wood-decaying fungi. 2. The oxidase reactions with guaiacol, pyrogallol and hydroquinone in the PDGUA, PDPA and PDHA media are not so much available for identification of the wood-decaying fungi. 3. Morphological features of colonies such as mycelium color, floccose, floccose-powdery, mycelloid, powdery-mycelloid, velvet, radiate, contoured, rosulate and growth grade on the PDA, PSA and PXA media are useful for identification of wood-decaying fungi. 4. It is believed that early identification in species level of wood-decaying fungi using cultural characteristics in the mycelial stage is possible. 5. The key for the identification of 41 species of wood-decaying fungi is proposed by the cultural characteristics using several solid media.
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