Title 미생물의 색소에 관한 연구 4 - 단백질 분해효소의 분리와 특성 -
Author 이호용 · 최영길
Address 한양대학교 이과대 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 18(1),15-19, 1980
Key Words Studies on the Microbial Pigment (IV); Isolation and Characterization of Protease
Abstract In order to study on the pigment and protease of Serratia marcescens, the correlation between protease activity and pigment formation was investigated. The results are as follows ; 1) The protease activity exhibited two pH optima 6.0 and 7.5, respectively. 2) The optimal temeprature of proteolytic activity was 45℃. With these-results, it is suggested that the proteolytic enzymes of Serratia masrecescens is stable at neutral pH range and more active at the high temeprature than that of other proteolytic enzymes.
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