Title 우리나라 일부 도시 학동들의 A군 연쇄구균의 분포상태 및 약제감수성에 관한 연구
Author 고춘명 · 유준 *
Address 연세대학교 의과대학 원주분교 미생물학교실 *
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 18(2),67-72, 1980
Key Words Studies on the group A hemolytic streptococci in school children : the occurrence and susceptibility to antobiotics
Abstract This paper presents the findings of a study in which throat cultures was obtained from all grade of primary school surrounding Seoul area. The number and percentages of children with positive throat cultures of streptococci were 181 cases (9.4%) among 1914 cases. Group A streptococci composed 4.3% (83 cases) of betahemolytic streptococci recovered. A total of 181 strains of group A streptococci were tested for susceptibility to 21 antibiotics in vitro. The strains were almost equally sensitive to most of the individual antibiotics : all of the group A strains were uniformly susceptible to bacitracin ; 93.6% to ampicillin ; 82.3% to erythromycin. The susceptibility to colymycin and kanamycin were not found.
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