Title 한국 토괴중의 사상균에 관한 연구 I
Author 민경희 · 홍순우 * · Tatsuo Yokoyama **
Address 숙명여자대학교 이과대 생물학과; * 서울대학교 자연대 미생물학과; ** Institute for Fermentation Osaka
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 18(2),91-103, 1980
Key Words Hyponmycetes from Korean Soill. I. The Fenus Penicillium with a Teleomorphic State Eupenicillium javanicum
Abstract A mycological survey was carried out with the soil samples collected in Korea from September, 1978 to December, 1979. Special attention was paid fungus genus Penicillum. One hundred twenty three isolates, as a result, were obtained from the Korean soils. Among these, sixteen species were identified and described in this paper. Almost all of the fungi reported here are new to Korea. One of them is an asomycete fungus, Eupenicillium javanicum van Beyma which produces abundant pale yellowish cleisothecia of 120-150.mu. in diameter. Ascospores of this fungus were found lenticular with an equatorial furrow as indicated in the previous descriptions.
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