Title Mycoplasma pneumoniae 세포의 발달과정 중 미세구조 및 형태학적 특징
Author 김치경 · Robert M. Pfister · Norman L. Somerson *
Address 오하이오주립대학교 미생물학과; 의미생물학과 *
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 17(1),1-15, 1979
Key Words Ultrastructure and morphological features of mycoplasma pneumoniae during culture development
Abstract Mycoplasma pneumoniae strain CL-s attached to broth-covered surfaces was examined sequentially during growth from single cells for morphologic and ultrastructural changes using several different electron microscopic techniques. Changes in morphology revealed both round and spindle shapes and observation of cell transitions suggested some type of morphological cycle. The round to-ovoid cells observed in the early stages of growth appeared to be viable, and morphologically and ultrastructurally different from the spherical forms which were produced during the latter stage of growth. The spindle segments were detected appeared to be structurally the same as the terminal cored structure seen in thin sections and may be a growing point or an attachment site of the cell. A tubular structure was observed in the core of the terminal structure and a microtubule-like element appeared to bridge between some spindle segments. A matrix substance was observed around single cells as well in the intercellular space of the colonies prepared by critical point metrical triple-layered cytoplasmic mermbranes, surfaces, of which appeared to be structurally different each other, were observed in young cells, whereas symmetrical and thicker membranes were seen in older cells. Small bodies were found in 4d or older cultures and did not appear to contain any internal structures or an easily detectable unit membrane.
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