Title Bacillus subtilis와 aspergillus flavus의 상호작용에 의한 aflatoxin 생성능에 관한 연구 1
Author 서명자
Address 부산대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 17(1),16-24, 1979
Key Words Study of the Productivity of Aflatoxin through the Interaction of Bacillus subtilis & Aspergillus flavus (I); The Effect of Culture conditions on the Production of Aflatoxin by Aspergillus flavus
Abstract In order to investigate the production of aflatoxin in various conditions such as pH, moisture and temperature, 27 samples were inoculated with Aspergillus flavus, and in addition 3 samples were inoculated with the mixture of Aspergillus flavus and Bacillus subtilis and cultured under the conditions such as 20℃ and 30% moisture contents. The following results were obtained : 1) Aflatoxin production was the highest at pH 5.0 and relatively high at pH 7.0. Its production was decreased significantly when pH reached 9.0. 2) The yield of aflatoxin was shown comparatively high level at 30% moisture contens. The higher moisture contents was, the lower aflatoxin production was. 3) The highest level of aflatoxin production was at 20℃, and comparatively high level was at 30℃. However, its production was fairly low at 40℃. 4) The highest crude aflatoxin production was 5,093ppm (B₁, 1.912ppm ; B₂, and the lowest one 2.197 ppm (B₁, 0.793 ppm : B₂, 0.185 ppm : G₁,0.102 ppm G₂, 0.381ppm) at 63% moisture, pH 9.0 and 40℃. 5) When Aspergillus flavus and Bacillus subilis were cultured together under the conditions such as 20℃ and 30% moisture, aflatoxin production was decreased by 27% comparing with the culture of Aspergillus flavus alone.
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