Title 수종의 세균공존에 의한 furfural의 분해
Author 한홍의 · 홍순우 · 하영칠
Address 서울대학교 자연대학 미생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 17(4),198-202, 1979
Key Words Symbiotic biodegradation of furfural by some bacteria
Abstract Three Pseudomonas spp. and one Zoogloea sp. which could decompose the furfural were isolated from the enriched undefined cultures of soil. In the decomposition of furfural they demonstrated protocooperation and synergism, utilizing 2-furoic acid a certain substance containing primary amine group as metabolites transformed from the furfural. Thus the furfural was subject to complete oxidation, which resulted in decolorization by mutural interactions. The decomposition was more efficient in mixed cultures than in a single culture.
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