Title Bacillus subtilis var, 816 bacteriophage의 분리와 일반적 성질에 관한 연구
Author 이주식
Address 서울대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 16(2),71-78, 1978
Key Words Studies on the isolation and characterization of bacteriophage of bacillus subilis var, 816
Abstract Bacillus subtilis var. 816 was used for manufacturing fermented soybean which in turn is used as flavoring agent. Fermentation of soybean or flat wheat was occasionally failed. It was elucidated that failure was due to the presence of bacteriophage. According to Hemphill and Whitely (1975), this bacteriphage might be belonged to the virulent phage group I as it is similar to SP82G, φ25. In fact, the phenomena of the increase of moisture, disappearance of mucin and existence of undesirable bacteria was attributed to the contamination of the above phage during the course of fermentation of soybean or flat wheat. Particularly disapperance of mucin was sufficiently correlated by the replication of the bacteriophage. The above phage can grow in the range of 30℃ to 70℃. The optimum temperature was 40-50℃. The optimum pH range was between pH 7.4 and pH 8.0. It is noticeable that staphylococci was replicating simultaneously with the phage. The head of 816 phage is hexagonal with a diameter of 10 × 165 - 10 × 240 nm. The end of the tail is enlaged. It has a size of 25 nm and this end areas are spreaded widely as fingers.
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