Title Salmonella/microsomal enzyme activation system에서의 농약의 돌연변이 유발성
Author 변우현 · 현형환 · 이세영
Address 한국원자력연구소 분자생물실
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 14(3),128-134, 1976
Key Words Mutagenicity of pesticides in the salminella/microsome system
Abstract 19 pesticides including 12 insecticides, 2 herbicides and 5 fungicides have been tested for mutagenic activity in the Salmonella/microsome system. It was found that insecticides, DDVP, Trichlorfon, Sumithion, Naled, fungicide, TMTD and herbicide NIP induced base substitute mutation and herbicide MO frameshift mutation. Mutagenicity of Sumithion and NIP was appeared only after rat microsomal enzyme activation and that of TMTD was increased after the microsomal enzyme activation.
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