Title 기주식물엽에 있어서 녹병균의 분화
Author 김원겸 · R. Rohringer
Address Canada 농림부
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 13(1),37-44, 1975
Key Words Rust Fungus Differentiation on host Leaves
Abstract Wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis (Pers.) f. sp. tritici Eriks and Henn.), an obligate parasitic fungus, causes a serious rust disease of wheat in all wheat growing areas of the world. A study on the behavior of rust spores on host leaf surface would provide useful information on genetics and biochemistry of primary infection, which could be correlated with the earlier biochemical changes related to susceptibility or resistance. There are a series of distinct steps or stages from the moment a parasite unit is placed on a host until a compatible and functional or incompatible relationship is established. The interaction may be eventually reach a climax in an infection type or an indeterminant status of the diseased condition. Therefore infection type is an indication of whether particular genetic units are involved in the interaction.
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